Monday, December 25, 2006
The End of Black Liberty?
Black Economics is a worthy subject matter. To be thorough though requires a not quite as blacknificent worldview. After all, as it is put so eloquently in Ecclesiastes, we all share the same breath. So in the future there will be more but of a different nature.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Drug Legalization and Black Liberty
A report entitled "Marijuana Production in the United States" points out that Marijuana is the biggest cash crop in the country despite years of arrests, forfeitures, shattered lives and homes as a result of the war on drugs.
Black men and women more than any other segment of society would stand to benefit from drug legalization, yet our voices are almost absent in the discussion.
The price we have paid in the war on drugs has been socially devastating and turned every black man into a suspect.
Furthermore the war on drugs has done more to erode the bill of rights than the patriot act.
What do you think? Should black people support drug legalization?
Black men and women more than any other segment of society would stand to benefit from drug legalization, yet our voices are almost absent in the discussion.
The price we have paid in the war on drugs has been socially devastating and turned every black man into a suspect.
Furthermore the war on drugs has done more to erode the bill of rights than the patriot act.
What do you think? Should black people support drug legalization?
The State of American Civilization
Is there any greater social indicator of the true state of America than Miss America going into rehab?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Kwame Jackson
Two years on from the apprentice Kwame Jackson is still going strong and speaking knowingly about blacks and the economy.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Envisioning Economic Collapse Part 2
A recent Boston Globe article on the declining dollar suggests that a currency collapse is imminent. While well reasoned the author ignores that it is in very few countries interest to see that happen. There would be, the author suggests, a run on the dollar into the euro.
What money manager would see the european union as being more stable than America? Why?
Still, the article is noteworthy because confidence in currency is critical to maintaining social order. Counterfeiting and money order fraud have grown to such proportions that the demise of physical currency is what is imminent.
What money manager would see the european union as being more stable than America? Why?
Still, the article is noteworthy because confidence in currency is critical to maintaining social order. Counterfeiting and money order fraud have grown to such proportions that the demise of physical currency is what is imminent.
His Panic or Yours?
Harvard professor Samuel P Huntington, populary known for his book, "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order" chillingly writes of possible futures for America in his latest book , "Who are We."
He says the greatest surprise would be if America is the same country in 2025 that it is today. He even predicts it could be different countries.
He writes, "...various forces challenging the core American culture and Creed could generate a move by native white Americans to revive the discarded and discredited racial and ethnic concepts of American identity and to create an America that would exclude, expel, or suppress people of other racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Historical and contemporary experience suggest that this is a highly probable reaction from a once dominant ethnic-racial group that feels threatened by the rise of other groups. It could produce a racially intolerant country with high levels of intergroup conflict."
He says the greatest surprise would be if America is the same country in 2025 that it is today. He even predicts it could be different countries.
He writes, "...various forces challenging the core American culture and Creed could generate a move by native white Americans to revive the discarded and discredited racial and ethnic concepts of American identity and to create an America that would exclude, expel, or suppress people of other racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Historical and contemporary experience suggest that this is a highly probable reaction from a once dominant ethnic-racial group that feels threatened by the rise of other groups. It could produce a racially intolerant country with high levels of intergroup conflict."
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The effort to ban the use of the N word by Jesse Jackson has ,like the cristal boycott, merit. Paul Mooney dropping the word is a bombshell given his proclivity for it and his efforts to publicize it.
As long as there remains potential for someone to make money off of it the word will be in use in mainstream media.
As long as there remains potential for someone to make money off of it the word will be in use in mainstream media.
Toxic World
This article on surviving your toxic enviroment is pretty good. While it is entitled how the world shaves years off your life it could just as easily been named, "How the world adds years to your life."
Be sure to check out the part on PM-10 which has got to be the most important health concern you have never heard of.
Be sure to check out the part on PM-10 which has got to be the most important health concern you have never heard of.
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Ultimate Resource
The ultimate resource is people.
Human ingenuity and creativity has almost limitless potential to enhance human life.
One idea can change the world.
Human ingenuity and creativity has almost limitless potential to enhance human life.
One idea can change the world.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Ghost of the Soup Nazi / Race Riot @ the Laugh Factory
Michael Richards is a haunted man. Like so many comedians his life contains little humour. Like so many human beings his thoughts tend toward the mundane, the vulgar.
His Kramer was a physical comedian. George, Elaine and Jerry handled the cerebral stuff. He was more of an athlete. Taking falls and fouls, yet scoring points.
Forced to make his money as a slave to the blank faced masses who stare at his image. More than once he has probaly said to himself, "At least the show is funny."
A jester, a clown, a funnyman beholden to funnymen.
Seinfeld was long ago; as well as the fame and the other riches that came with it.
So there he was, a washed up comic, begging for laughs when someone pointed out that the emperor wears no clothes.
Whoever said that was going to get it. The roulette ball came up black and Michael Richards lost the game.
He said he might need to do some personal stuff but let's face it.... he wasn't high on anything but rage and maybe a bong hit or two of self-loathing. Teaching an old dog new tricks is a long shot, there won't be any rehab for him.
The Soup Nazi is in all of us, fighting and tearing to get out. It can't be the medias fault. All that rage and violence and hatred and bigotry in American life is ...what it is. It's in us. There long before television or radio (or ipods and camera phones).
History shows but doesn't teach. If the enviroment can't change neither can the genes.
The words can make you angry but the hecklers left without further incident. Good for them.
Starting a race riot at the Laugh Factory would have been no laughing matter, well maybe but only in the strictest of terms.
What it shows is that Race is "one hell of a drug" and we need to stop our addiction.
His Kramer was a physical comedian. George, Elaine and Jerry handled the cerebral stuff. He was more of an athlete. Taking falls and fouls, yet scoring points.
Forced to make his money as a slave to the blank faced masses who stare at his image. More than once he has probaly said to himself, "At least the show is funny."
A jester, a clown, a funnyman beholden to funnymen.
Seinfeld was long ago; as well as the fame and the other riches that came with it.
So there he was, a washed up comic, begging for laughs when someone pointed out that the emperor wears no clothes.
Whoever said that was going to get it. The roulette ball came up black and Michael Richards lost the game.
He said he might need to do some personal stuff but let's face it.... he wasn't high on anything but rage and maybe a bong hit or two of self-loathing. Teaching an old dog new tricks is a long shot, there won't be any rehab for him.
The Soup Nazi is in all of us, fighting and tearing to get out. It can't be the medias fault. All that rage and violence and hatred and bigotry in American life is ...what it is. It's in us. There long before television or radio (or ipods and camera phones).
History shows but doesn't teach. If the enviroment can't change neither can the genes.
The words can make you angry but the hecklers left without further incident. Good for them.
Starting a race riot at the Laugh Factory would have been no laughing matter, well maybe but only in the strictest of terms.
What it shows is that Race is "one hell of a drug" and we need to stop our addiction.
Kramer the Nazi
By now you have seen the video of Michael Richards anti black tirade.
My first impression is at least Mel Gibson was drunk.
I watched his interview on Letterman and my impression of that is he doesn't care and his apology (if you can call it that) was very insincere. Like the Rodney King tape he said we didn't see it all.
Seinfeld said it sickened him. His defense of Richards is what is sickening. He said he loves him and he is his friend and that that's the way he does his routine.
Worse yet you can tell Richards has been this way for a loooong time, as the words slipped so freely from his tongue.
You have to applaud the hecklers for they showed constraint in a very difficult situation.
My first impression is at least Mel Gibson was drunk.
I watched his interview on Letterman and my impression of that is he doesn't care and his apology (if you can call it that) was very insincere. Like the Rodney King tape he said we didn't see it all.
Seinfeld said it sickened him. His defense of Richards is what is sickening. He said he loves him and he is his friend and that that's the way he does his routine.
Worse yet you can tell Richards has been this way for a loooong time, as the words slipped so freely from his tongue.
You have to applaud the hecklers for they showed constraint in a very difficult situation.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A few words on Friedman
Milton Friedman was (like Abraham, Marx, Einstein & Freud) a Jew with some big ideas. At first blush a supporter of Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan may not seem like the type to inspire Black Liberty but he most certainly was.
What I most remember is a passage in the Free Market Reader where he states that , "a furniture maker cares not whether he gets his wood from a negro or a Jew, so long as he gets wood" or something to that effect.
For the black economist it was a turning point in his understanding of social studies.
Later, when presented with a copy of ,"The road to Serfdom" (written by Hayek, not Friedman)the idea crystallized that whilst we can do little regarding color prejudice it matters not overmuch if we are paid and able to purchase what we please.
In Friedman's view, "better a negro woman pays a few dollars more for rent than not being able to rent at all."
It may on the surface seem callous (as admittedly much economic thinking is) but it is best overall.
The black economists view is that African-Americans need not paternalism but markets. Should anyone think that liberals cannot be racist I encourage them to tell one blacks don't need assistance but access and observe what happens.
A large part of white racism is a deep rooted insecurity.
In Friedman you had the best type of man. One who did not need to put down others to boost himself up. A white man who was not afraid of "the other" because he was confident in himself and who he was.
In fairness, I should mention that other writings of his did refer to Africans as savages, or uncivilized or somesuch.
The point though is like the Jew or Asian prejudice should not be allowed to hold back our material progress and like the Jew or the Asian LIBERTY will not come until we recognize that the freedom to think and learn is what we have and the key to our continuing success.
What I most remember is a passage in the Free Market Reader where he states that , "a furniture maker cares not whether he gets his wood from a negro or a Jew, so long as he gets wood" or something to that effect.
For the black economist it was a turning point in his understanding of social studies.
Later, when presented with a copy of ,"The road to Serfdom" (written by Hayek, not Friedman)the idea crystallized that whilst we can do little regarding color prejudice it matters not overmuch if we are paid and able to purchase what we please.
In Friedman's view, "better a negro woman pays a few dollars more for rent than not being able to rent at all."
It may on the surface seem callous (as admittedly much economic thinking is) but it is best overall.
The black economists view is that African-Americans need not paternalism but markets. Should anyone think that liberals cannot be racist I encourage them to tell one blacks don't need assistance but access and observe what happens.
A large part of white racism is a deep rooted insecurity.
In Friedman you had the best type of man. One who did not need to put down others to boost himself up. A white man who was not afraid of "the other" because he was confident in himself and who he was.
In fairness, I should mention that other writings of his did refer to Africans as savages, or uncivilized or somesuch.
The point though is like the Jew or Asian prejudice should not be allowed to hold back our material progress and like the Jew or the Asian LIBERTY will not come until we recognize that the freedom to think and learn is what we have and the key to our continuing success.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Audacity of Obama
I haven't read his book, spoken to him, or seen him on television too many times but I continue to read of Barack Obama and the presidency.
The problem is that he did not have a groundswell of support that brought him into office. It was a scandal plagued republican challenger that gave him his boost. Now after 2 years in a position he would not have won had he been challenged by anyone who could pass a smell test he talks of the presidency.
If he engineered the defeat of his opponent he can talk legitimately, if it was by circumstance he (and anyone who believes his presidential ambitions) is being taken for a ride.
A friend mentioned that he thinks he is merely positioning himself for a run in 2016.
The problem is that he did not have a groundswell of support that brought him into office. It was a scandal plagued republican challenger that gave him his boost. Now after 2 years in a position he would not have won had he been challenged by anyone who could pass a smell test he talks of the presidency.
If he engineered the defeat of his opponent he can talk legitimately, if it was by circumstance he (and anyone who believes his presidential ambitions) is being taken for a ride.
A friend mentioned that he thinks he is merely positioning himself for a run in 2016.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Black Paranoia in Britain
Eugenics is rearing its ugly head in Britain.
Apparently in Britain and Wales the police have established a database that contains the DNA of 60-75% their black male citizens.
This has led to concerns of a surveillance state "in which some ethnic groups are monitored more closely than others."
Apparently in Britain and Wales the police have established a database that contains the DNA of 60-75% their black male citizens.
This has led to concerns of a surveillance state "in which some ethnic groups are monitored more closely than others."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Black Radical Congress
No, not THE Black Radical Congress but that's what conservatives will call it if the democrats take the house in the upcoming elections.
Should the democrats take the house three of the most powerful committees in Congress would be chaired by black men.
They are John Conyers (Judiciary), Alcee Hastings (Intelligence) and Charles Rangel (Ways and Means).
That would, presumably, mean the issue of Reparations would be studied by the government.
This would not be the first time blacks have held high office in America.
It would be the first time in over 100 years however.
Should the democrats take the house three of the most powerful committees in Congress would be chaired by black men.
They are John Conyers (Judiciary), Alcee Hastings (Intelligence) and Charles Rangel (Ways and Means).
That would, presumably, mean the issue of Reparations would be studied by the government.
This would not be the first time blacks have held high office in America.
It would be the first time in over 100 years however.
Friday, October 20, 2006
The Black Millionaire Next Door
Tavis Smiley interviewed the authors of this report but I cannot locate it anywhere on the net. Their research shows there were 116 thousand black millionaires in 2003 (out of 2.5 million overall). 80-85% owned their own business. About one thousand were athletes.
Ten Richest In Hip-Hop
1. P. Diddy, $346 Million
2. Jay-Z, $340 Million
3. Russell Simmons, $325 Million
4. Damon Dash, $200 Million
5. Neptunes, $155 Million
6. Dr. Dre, $150 Million
7. Ice Cube, $145 Million
8. Eminem, $110 Million
9. 50 Cent, $100 Million
10. (Tied) Nelly, $60 Million
10. (Tied) Jermaine Dupri, $60 Million
Wikipedia article on black billionaires
2. Jay-Z, $340 Million
3. Russell Simmons, $325 Million
4. Damon Dash, $200 Million
5. Neptunes, $155 Million
6. Dr. Dre, $150 Million
7. Ice Cube, $145 Million
8. Eminem, $110 Million
9. 50 Cent, $100 Million
10. (Tied) Nelly, $60 Million
10. (Tied) Jermaine Dupri, $60 Million
Wikipedia article on black billionaires
The Blade of the IRS
If you can believe it, Wesley Snipes actually filed a tax return requesting an Administrative Law Judge review his request for a 7.363236 million dollar refund.
More fantastic is the indictment showing him falling in with the Guiding Light of God ministries who convinced him not to pay taxes.
More fantastic is the indictment showing him falling in with the Guiding Light of God ministries who convinced him not to pay taxes.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Supreme Mathematics

The 5% album by Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian was inevitable. Its' like a black wax crest sealing the scroll of hip-hop.
It is also a wake-up call and challange to listeners. He plainly says don't spend your money on gangsta that does nothing for the mind, body or soul.
The 90 page booklet included with the disc was much appreciated. After all, how often does a rapper include the printed word with their music? It focuses on the history of the 5% , or the Nation of Gods and Earths, and its influence on hip-hop.
Interestingly, while they have appropiated many Islamic words and phrases five percenters insist they are not Islamic. The words are but keys to the philosphy which bears a strange resemblance to the esoteric knowledge of old.
It is also a wake-up call and challange to listeners. He plainly says don't spend your money on gangsta that does nothing for the mind, body or soul.
The 90 page booklet included with the disc was much appreciated. After all, how often does a rapper include the printed word with their music? It focuses on the history of the 5% , or the Nation of Gods and Earths, and its influence on hip-hop.
Interestingly, while they have appropiated many Islamic words and phrases five percenters insist they are not Islamic. The words are but keys to the philosphy which bears a strange resemblance to the esoteric knowledge of old.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Black Economics
Black economics is the study of the means by which black people (Afikans if you will) maintain their material integrity. This includes land, resources, commodities, physical health, and of course their Liberty.
It follows then that there would be a political element; because on a large scale these decisions would be made by a body politic. For Afrikans that body politic suffers severe distortions because we do not exercise total control over our material integrity.
You have heard it all before, we don't own land, produce crops or for the most part teach our children. We rely on the white people for those things. For in America they own the land, multinational corporations and occupy every seat of public and private authority.
The challange of the black economist then is to formulate and research means by which Afrikans can maximize their wealth, health and knowledge of self.
It follows then that there would be a political element; because on a large scale these decisions would be made by a body politic. For Afrikans that body politic suffers severe distortions because we do not exercise total control over our material integrity.
You have heard it all before, we don't own land, produce crops or for the most part teach our children. We rely on the white people for those things. For in America they own the land, multinational corporations and occupy every seat of public and private authority.
The challange of the black economist then is to formulate and research means by which Afrikans can maximize their wealth, health and knowledge of self.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
25 million reasons to be alive
Suicide is no laughing matter. There are more suicides than murders in the United States. Black male suicide , in particular, has been on the increase over the past two decades.
Suddenly a very serious subject (two if you count allergic reactions to medication) has been trivialized (not deliberately) by the prototypical narcissistic sports star who could not possibly commit suicide because he has 25 million reasons to be alive according to his publicist.
Does this mean impoverished black men are justified in killing themselves?
Suddenly a very serious subject (two if you count allergic reactions to medication) has been trivialized (not deliberately) by the prototypical narcissistic sports star who could not possibly commit suicide because he has 25 million reasons to be alive according to his publicist.
Does this mean impoverished black men are justified in killing themselves?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Africans, Islam and Terror

The "Arc of instability" not to be confused with the "ark of the covenant" is a imaginary band that surrounds the middle of the earth. The countries that fall within it are clinically referred to as the non-integrated gap. The countries that fall outside are called the functioning core. So named by Thomas P.M. Barnett.
Notice that the continent of Africa falls almost completely within the non integrated zone. According to African journalists this is because the countries are resource rich.
According to western policy analysts it is because of the continent's potential as a terrorist breeding ground.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
FreeMasonry and the Wu-tang
Masonry is said to have it roots in the mystery systems of ancient Egypt, which in turn received them from the disputed civilizations of Atlantis and Mu.
The mystery systems themselves are said to have focused on the "rebirth" of the initiate into a being at one with themselves and the universe around them or some such variant. In some systems the initiated become either "like-god" or "with-god." In other mystery schools initiates merely become fully human for the first time, meaning that that are free to think for themselves and act upon those thoughts .
All involve the dissemination of secret or hidden knowledge. There is ample evidence to suggest that humans have a strong genetic need to be initiated into social systems.
Anyway, the most common reason the knowledge was occult or esoteric was because the general populace could never be trusted with it and to profit the owners of it. Throughout Western history we see emperors, kings, queens, priests, scientists, merchants and the like working to see that the masses were indoctrinated in one way while they themselves practiced or sought after different philosophical ideals.
Many times these same ideals they sought in private they would lampoon in public.
The founding fathers of America saw things differently. They believed that the minds of the masses could be loosed. As time has progressed however the same old rigid structures of society have again been rebuilt in America. Some would say it is inevitable because the great masses of men are content to run the treadmill of life and peacefully go away while only one in a thousand is truly interested in acquiring knowledge and acting on it.
In other words only 5% percent know or seek the truth.
The mystery systems themselves are said to have focused on the "rebirth" of the initiate into a being at one with themselves and the universe around them or some such variant. In some systems the initiated become either "like-god" or "with-god." In other mystery schools initiates merely become fully human for the first time, meaning that that are free to think for themselves and act upon those thoughts .
All involve the dissemination of secret or hidden knowledge. There is ample evidence to suggest that humans have a strong genetic need to be initiated into social systems.
Anyway, the most common reason the knowledge was occult or esoteric was because the general populace could never be trusted with it and to profit the owners of it. Throughout Western history we see emperors, kings, queens, priests, scientists, merchants and the like working to see that the masses were indoctrinated in one way while they themselves practiced or sought after different philosophical ideals.
Many times these same ideals they sought in private they would lampoon in public.
The founding fathers of America saw things differently. They believed that the minds of the masses could be loosed. As time has progressed however the same old rigid structures of society have again been rebuilt in America. Some would say it is inevitable because the great masses of men are content to run the treadmill of life and peacefully go away while only one in a thousand is truly interested in acquiring knowledge and acting on it.
In other words only 5% percent know or seek the truth.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A Dangerous Game
Telling American citizens they are safer with less liberty is a dangerous political game.
Saying the current tactics of the "war on terror" are working simply because there have been no reported incidents in five years is also very dangerous.
It was nine years between original bombing and the second attack on the world trade. Would you work in the pentagon now?
Saying the current tactics of the "war on terror" are working simply because there have been no reported incidents in five years is also very dangerous.
It was nine years between original bombing and the second attack on the world trade. Would you work in the pentagon now?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Way to Wealth

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin is an accesible book for anyone interested in that subject. So is Working with the Hands by Booker T Washington. In both cases hard work or industry as they referred to it brought a man wealth of all kinds.
For wealth is not measured in money alone, if at all, as money is only a means to an end.
Health is the most realistic metric of wealth. No wonder the healthcare industry is booming.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Last Days on Earth
This program , produced by 20/20 (no pun intended), tells of the seven greatest threats facing not just mankind but the planet. Iraq is not one of them.
Today the president gave a speech wherein his only focus was the so-called war on terror. This he asserted was the challange of our times.
"Despite their differences, these groups form the outline of a single movement, a worldwide network of radicals that use terror to kill those who stand in the way of their totalitarian ideology." To whom is he refering? His staff?
After watching two hours of how Western technology has created diseases, nuclear weapons and enough waste to drastically alter the climate one is left to wonder just who are the terrorists.
Today the president gave a speech wherein his only focus was the so-called war on terror. This he asserted was the challange of our times.
"Despite their differences, these groups form the outline of a single movement, a worldwide network of radicals that use terror to kill those who stand in the way of their totalitarian ideology." To whom is he refering? His staff?
After watching two hours of how Western technology has created diseases, nuclear weapons and enough waste to drastically alter the climate one is left to wonder just who are the terrorists.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
An Inconvenient Truth
Al Gores playlist on itunes includes "Umi Says" by Mos Def from the album Black on Both Sides. I guess he took that election loss pretty hard.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Underground Scrolls

The X Clan mixtape "Underground Scrolls" comes 20 years after the release of "To the East Blackwards." Brother J's lyrical skills have not faltered. The music is still funky and to hear a black artist rap Marcus Garvey or Harriet Tubman instead of dro, crunk or hyp is welcome. "Do it Again" stands out with its old skool funk beat and Brother J's tirade against those haters ("How can I be considered 3/5th a man, my DNA is the master plan.")
X Clan (like Jeru, KRS1) attacks ignorance head on.
There are snippets of Professor X and at the end J acknowledges his "great life."
The black economists rating?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Up from Slavery
"In all things that are purely social we can be separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress."
Booker T Washington
"Nothing about us, without us"
Overheard at a seminar.
Booker T Washington
"Nothing about us, without us"
Overheard at a seminar.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
The "pre-9/11 mindset"
The Iranian president also mentioned the 11th of september attacks in his letter.
"All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens.
Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems
– and even hunts its opponents abroad. September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it
be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or
their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess. Why have the various
aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their
responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put
on trial?"
The black economist has long wondered why the first president with an MBA fired no one. He seems awfully hard on everyone else.
In the days since the infamous terror attacks the current administration has shamelessly exploited them for political gain. The threat of terror has been used to erode civil liberties, obfuscate politcal discourse and cover-up fraudelent elections at home and abroad. Most importantly it has served as a cover to ignore more pressing domestic needs.
Such is the clash of civilazations.
"All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens.
Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems
– and even hunts its opponents abroad. September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it
be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or
their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess. Why have the various
aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their
responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put
on trial?"
The black economist has long wondered why the first president with an MBA fired no one. He seems awfully hard on everyone else.
In the days since the infamous terror attacks the current administration has shamelessly exploited them for political gain. The threat of terror has been used to erode civil liberties, obfuscate politcal discourse and cover-up fraudelent elections at home and abroad. Most importantly it has served as a cover to ignore more pressing domestic needs.
Such is the clash of civilazations.
Dear Mr. President
The black economist was taught that you always have to read what others are saying about you. It is common sense I suppose. So he dutifully read the president of Irans' letter to President Bush.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comments concerning Africans:
"The people of Africa are hardworking, creative and talented. They can play an important and
valuable role in providing for the needs of humanity and contribute to its material and
spiritual progress. Poverty and hardship in large parts of Africa are preventing this from
happening. Don’t they have the right to ask why their enormous wealth – including minerals –
is being looted, despite the fact that they need it more than others?"
Bear in mind that many, many Africans would reply that Arabs have and are taking part in that looting. One need only look at the situation in oil rich Sudan.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comments concerning Africans:
"The people of Africa are hardworking, creative and talented. They can play an important and
valuable role in providing for the needs of humanity and contribute to its material and
spiritual progress. Poverty and hardship in large parts of Africa are preventing this from
happening. Don’t they have the right to ask why their enormous wealth – including minerals –
is being looted, despite the fact that they need it more than others?"
Bear in mind that many, many Africans would reply that Arabs have and are taking part in that looting. One need only look at the situation in oil rich Sudan.
Blacks, Islam & Terror
Shortly after the Million Man March the black economist recalls reading in the Washington Post a quote from Alexander Lebed , a Russian general. He said (to the best of my recollection), "People in Washington are sure to be concerned about joining Islam with the genetic imprint of slavery."
At the time what caught my attention were the words, "genetic imprint of slavery." I have since come across other references to that line of thinking from some black Hollywood actors but no concrete work on the concept.
As the war on terror has progressed more and more black Americans have been arrested on terror related charges. Louis Farrakhan, the most prominent black Muslim in America, has been a no show in the public eye for years now.
The implication is explicit.
The government has long known that the greatest threat to domestic security is its black population (think COINTELPRO). At this point in history that threat is even greater because a large domestic disturbance would prevent America from projecting it's power overseas and drastically increase security costs which in turn would send the economy into a tailspin.
The black economists predicts this issue will burst into the public eye spectacularly at some point in the near future.
At the time what caught my attention were the words, "genetic imprint of slavery." I have since come across other references to that line of thinking from some black Hollywood actors but no concrete work on the concept.
As the war on terror has progressed more and more black Americans have been arrested on terror related charges. Louis Farrakhan, the most prominent black Muslim in America, has been a no show in the public eye for years now.
The implication is explicit.
The government has long known that the greatest threat to domestic security is its black population (think COINTELPRO). At this point in history that threat is even greater because a large domestic disturbance would prevent America from projecting it's power overseas and drastically increase security costs which in turn would send the economy into a tailspin.
The black economists predicts this issue will burst into the public eye spectacularly at some point in the near future.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Creating Black Wealth

Frederick Douglas and Booker T Washington (pictured with the National Negro Business League) both espoused the necessity of African-Americans building sustainable communities through ownership. So did Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad. In fact it's difficult to find a black leader who does not promote such ideas.
Why then have they not been realized? There are no black owned Fortune 500 companies or multinational corporations for instance.
admittedly, the barriers to entry in such markets are high. Many would argue that a minority group has no chance. Yet these firms are not owned collectively. Each one is held and run by a very small group of people. A "minority group" if you will.
The black economist brought this issue up to a real estate professional who promptly answered that, "We have to create the market." Meaning that we have to establish value for ourselves.
Bear in mind that cash is useless unless someone agrees to accept it. It's value is agreed upon. The art market is a prime example of this. Why pay millions for a Monet? Because it will keep it's value.
The secret to creating Black Wealth is to create value. As it stands black people are the ones being valued (your wages) or exploited (if you believe that profits are unpaid wages).
Monday, August 07, 2006
Media Doublespeak
The airwaves have been filled with commentators "discussing" the need to bring peace to Iraq and how it was immoral for the US to allow Saddam to threaten his neighbors. The black economist wonders if any of these commentators or politicians thought it was immoral to allow fellow citizens to be threatened by street gangs across the country. The cost of clearing up these problems would be much less and they are far closer to home.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Ancient Future of the Near East
Creationism dates the genesis of the world as we know it at 4004 BC. The first man and woman were said to have lived in a garden of Eden located somewhere between the mighty Nile and Euphrates rivers. A cursory review of the histories (Old Testament, Akkadian, Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian etc. etc.) available from that period onward show that conflict was a way of life. Whether it be the bloody story of Cane and Abel or the necessity of the code of Hammurabi humanity has constantly been unsettled in that region. How could it not be so?
The Near East or the Middle East as it is now called, has for millennia greatly influenced world culture and events. Whether it be the library of Alexandria, the gardens of Babylon or more recently the oil riches of the Arabian peninsula, there is no doubt that control of the region is a great cultural and material prize.
No wonder then that the contemporary politics of the region are so explosive and involve such myriad and disparate players.
It is likely to remain that way for many years to come.
But will Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, & Syria lead to World War III? How likely is America to pull out?
Observing Joe Lieberman might help us to best answer those questions.
If Lieberman is willing to lose his senate seat for the sake of the war it is unlikely America has any intentions of drawing down it's forces anyime soon. In fact it is likely that the current administration will only expand the military presence in the region.
The Near East or the Middle East as it is now called, has for millennia greatly influenced world culture and events. Whether it be the library of Alexandria, the gardens of Babylon or more recently the oil riches of the Arabian peninsula, there is no doubt that control of the region is a great cultural and material prize.
No wonder then that the contemporary politics of the region are so explosive and involve such myriad and disparate players.
It is likely to remain that way for many years to come.
But will Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, & Syria lead to World War III? How likely is America to pull out?
Observing Joe Lieberman might help us to best answer those questions.
If Lieberman is willing to lose his senate seat for the sake of the war it is unlikely America has any intentions of drawing down it's forces anyime soon. In fact it is likely that the current administration will only expand the military presence in the region.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Bling: Consequences and Repercussions Part 2

Diamonds and Oil are not essential to human existence. Water is life on the other hand. Yet a glassfull of water costs much less than a glassfull of diamonds. A glassfull of oil costs marginally more than a glassfull of water but still much less than the glassfull of diamonds.
The reason for that, as the theory of marginal utility puts it, is that while water has the greater overall utility value oil and diamonds have a larger marginal utility value. Put another way, water is not considered to be as scarce as oil and diamonds though it is much more essential.
That marginal utility of oil and diamonds is quite impressive. It shows that once the basic needs are fulfilled that men and women are still driven to consume. Since goods are scarce , however, that drive to consume breeds conflict and competition.
Take the NFL for example. No one needs a superbowl ring, but men sacrifice their bodies and time to get it. More importantly, only one team gets it. The rest leave empty-handed.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Malcolm X on Economic Philosophy
"My personal economic philosophy is also Black Nationalism, which means that the black man should have a hand in controlling the economy of the so called, "Negro Community." He should be developing the type of knowledge that would enable him to own and operate the businesses and thereby be able to create employment for his own people, for his own kind."
Malcolm X interviewed in 1964
Malcolm X interviewed in 1964
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Bling: Consequences and Repercussions
This documentary on conflict diamonds focuses on the savage nature of the diamond trade. It connects the dots, or rather it shows the disconnect between rappers' promotion of "Ice" and war in Africa (specifically Sierra Leone).
It is worth the 11 minutes it takes to watch.
Diamonds aren't the only good that has a bloody economic history of course. We could just as easily speak of "conflict oil" or perhaps "conflict sugar and rum."
A fundamental economic tenet is that the existence of scarcity implies conflict. A scarce good (economic good) such as diamonds require a sacrifice or cost in order to obtain them.
As the documentary shows this cost is more than money.
It is worth the 11 minutes it takes to watch.
Diamonds aren't the only good that has a bloody economic history of course. We could just as easily speak of "conflict oil" or perhaps "conflict sugar and rum."
A fundamental economic tenet is that the existence of scarcity implies conflict. A scarce good (economic good) such as diamonds require a sacrifice or cost in order to obtain them.
As the documentary shows this cost is more than money.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Rich and The Super Rich
Written in 1968 by Ferdinand Lundberg and subtitled, "A Study in the Power of Money Today" the Rich and the Super Rich does make one or two observations concerning Negroes.
When discussing the system of private clubs which the elite use to mark themselves off more precisely from the rest of society the author contributes. "It would be erroneous to say Negroes are barred. They are simply not noticed."
"...Negroes not only lack titles to property...but no one of them seems to be within 250 years of ever having them in any significant proportions. Who would a Negro be likely to inherit from?"
"As large," think Bush, Kennedy, Turner "property holdings are now mainly inherited and hard even for an occasional white nonproprietor to come by, it would seem that Negroes are forever circumstantially barred from becoming considerable American property owners."
Can this be true?
When discussing the system of private clubs which the elite use to mark themselves off more precisely from the rest of society the author contributes. "It would be erroneous to say Negroes are barred. They are simply not noticed."
"...Negroes not only lack titles to property...but no one of them seems to be within 250 years of ever having them in any significant proportions. Who would a Negro be likely to inherit from?"
"As large," think Bush, Kennedy, Turner "property holdings are now mainly inherited and hard even for an occasional white nonproprietor to come by, it would seem that Negroes are forever circumstantially barred from becoming considerable American property owners."
Can this be true?
Monday, July 24, 2006
to understand and protect our home planet
The black economist cannot claim to have known that part of NASA's official mission statement was, "to understand and protect our home planet."
That mission statement was changed for political reasons because data from NASA satellites apparently fall on the wrong side of the argument concerning whether western civilization affects the earth (the home planet in question) adversely.
The Black economist can envision a scenario wherein the question was raised as to whether they had to eliminate "understand" being that they are scientists and all.
Jokes aside, this reshuffling of euphemisms is a side argument in a much larger debate concerning not particularly natural resources but mostly markets and their shape. If there is strong evidence that present levels of carbon emissions are leading to the extinction of the human race then a reasonable mind could conclude they must be stopped.
Another ,equally reasonable mind, could conclude that humanity has always adapted to an uncertain world, that speculation is imprecise and that no change is needed.
Both minds, especially if they were politicians, would agree that Americans would vote them out of office if they dared even suggest they reduce consumption levels. That's why our president recommended Americans shop rather than sacrifice after 9/11.
So prices rise. Wars are fought. The present lurches toward the inevitable shock.
That mission statement was changed for political reasons because data from NASA satellites apparently fall on the wrong side of the argument concerning whether western civilization affects the earth (the home planet in question) adversely.
The Black economist can envision a scenario wherein the question was raised as to whether they had to eliminate "understand" being that they are scientists and all.
Jokes aside, this reshuffling of euphemisms is a side argument in a much larger debate concerning not particularly natural resources but mostly markets and their shape. If there is strong evidence that present levels of carbon emissions are leading to the extinction of the human race then a reasonable mind could conclude they must be stopped.
Another ,equally reasonable mind, could conclude that humanity has always adapted to an uncertain world, that speculation is imprecise and that no change is needed.
Both minds, especially if they were politicians, would agree that Americans would vote them out of office if they dared even suggest they reduce consumption levels. That's why our president recommended Americans shop rather than sacrifice after 9/11.
So prices rise. Wars are fought. The present lurches toward the inevitable shock.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
The Cristal Boycott
Rap music was truly only a music of black folks for a short while. It's commercialism led to content changes that degraded its ability to be a positive force in the black community. Most rappers are little more than slaves selling lyrics written by whites who have no interest in promoting black culture, unity, or any type of healing or positivity to the descendants of
If anything, most rappers are race traitors and deserve what they inevitably get, which is ripped off and pimped.
That's nothing new.
What is interesting is that black folks , for whatever reason, believe that money can shield them from prejudice and that certain companies care about their business.
Jay-Z's boycott of Cristal is a case in point. It's too late to advocate a boycott of a product when you have millions of recordings that reference the popular drink.
Rappers routinely endorse products produced by groups of men and women who would call the police or kill them outright if they ever attempted to associate with them or saw them where they live.
Why do black folks demand to give their money to people who hate them?
If anything, most rappers are race traitors and deserve what they inevitably get, which is ripped off and pimped.
That's nothing new.
What is interesting is that black folks , for whatever reason, believe that money can shield them from prejudice and that certain companies care about their business.
Jay-Z's boycott of Cristal is a case in point. It's too late to advocate a boycott of a product when you have millions of recordings that reference the popular drink.
Rappers routinely endorse products produced by groups of men and women who would call the police or kill them outright if they ever attempted to associate with them or saw them where they live.
Why do black folks demand to give their money to people who hate them?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Data Mining and the Matrix
The Black Economist (as one might imagine) has a great deal of interest in data mining and the resulting predictive analytics. Blackness is a quantifiable (as well as qualitative) variable after all.
Recent revelations of it taking place on a grand scale with data provided by phone companies is the very tip-top of a large iceberg running head long into civilization as we know it.
There are no constraints on the government asking other entities for the same assistance. That, given the large amount of information they already compel and possess, can lead the mind into conspiracy theories far beyond any imagined in the Matrix (Hal Varian's or the movie, take your pick) if only because they would be 'real.'
Many large corporations base critical business decisions on analysis of customer and market data so it is no surprise that the government does the same thing. The governments use of such techniques is far more dangerous however because while you cannot be forced to patronize a business the government does compel you to participate.
Recent revelations of it taking place on a grand scale with data provided by phone companies is the very tip-top of a large iceberg running head long into civilization as we know it.
There are no constraints on the government asking other entities for the same assistance. That, given the large amount of information they already compel and possess, can lead the mind into conspiracy theories far beyond any imagined in the Matrix (Hal Varian's or the movie, take your pick) if only because they would be 'real.'
Many large corporations base critical business decisions on analysis of customer and market data so it is no surprise that the government does the same thing. The governments use of such techniques is far more dangerous however because while you cannot be forced to patronize a business the government does compel you to participate.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
American Coup
This is the story of the only recorded overthrow of a lawfully elected American government. The elected officials were, of course, black.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
A World Cup of Terror?
May be, just not from whom you think. The black economist has come across other references to social intolerance and european racism brought about by low economic standards. When it was tied to soccer and stock markets I thought it novel enough to comment upon.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Fuzzy Math @ Duke
Many commentators ,such as Kathleen Parker in her article "Fact and Fiction Duke it Out," are making much of the fact that acording to FBI records 15.5 percent of rapes against white women are perpertrated by black men whereas "while less than 1 percent of black victims were raped by white males." Before providing these sensationalized, questionable figures Parker does say that, "though sample sizes are considered too small to draw any solid conclusions." She still goes on to report what must be unsolid numbers.
The black economist issue lies with the fact that much the same way black women were sexually exploited by whites for hundreds of years with no fear of repercussions, black men were most certainly often killed and maimed for false accusations made by white women. As a result , even in 2006, most black males are extremely cautious in their dealings with white women. No writer has dared tackle that in their "analysis." In fact judging how often we hear that DNA evidence is not present in most of these convictions its not hard to imagine many a black man sent up the river by a white woman or judicial system that needs a conviction but not justice.
The black economist issue lies with the fact that much the same way black women were sexually exploited by whites for hundreds of years with no fear of repercussions, black men were most certainly often killed and maimed for false accusations made by white women. As a result , even in 2006, most black males are extremely cautious in their dealings with white women. No writer has dared tackle that in their "analysis." In fact judging how often we hear that DNA evidence is not present in most of these convictions its not hard to imagine many a black man sent up the river by a white woman or judicial system that needs a conviction but not justice.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Black Tax Avoidance
If a majority of african-americans could be convinced to not pay taxes they could affect real change within the public policy framework. There are numerous justifications for this. Why should we pay taxes to a government that uses that money to build prisons, ghettoes, and ineffective public schools?
An organized campaign of tax avoidance would put an end to the reparations question as well as fit neatly into our culture of nonviolent peaceful movements. It could also work.
An organized campaign of tax avoidance would put an end to the reparations question as well as fit neatly into our culture of nonviolent peaceful movements. It could also work.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Ignored to Death Part Two
The National Urban League Policy Institute has issued a report entitled "Sunday Morning Apartheid" that examines the dearth of black commentators on the critical-to-public-opinion Sunday morning talk shows.
What the report doesn't mention is that these talk shows are more the result of organized propaganda operations than an attempt at diverse discourse. It also fails to mention that many of the guests of these programs hold important positions within our society. It's no surprise then that Kofi Annan, Colin Powell, and Condaleeza Rice are the only ones to pop up with any regularity.
What the report doesn't mention is that these talk shows are more the result of organized propaganda operations than an attempt at diverse discourse. It also fails to mention that many of the guests of these programs hold important positions within our society. It's no surprise then that Kofi Annan, Colin Powell, and Condaleeza Rice are the only ones to pop up with any regularity.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Black Gold or why Duke Lacrosse Players prefer Black Women

The beauty of the black woman has been admired, lusted after, and desired by white men throughout known history. The photo at the left shows contempraries of the infamous hottentot venus. Paradoxically the popular media image (in America and elsewhere like Brazil) is of the buxom, blue-eyed, blonde. This the tell-I-vision directs is the model to pursue. Consequently, Korean women dye their hair and engage in painful surgeries to meet this standard and Fela Kuti sings of the yellow fever that grips the African woman as she tries to turn from black to white.
Stunning is that at the same time you have white women tanning, injecting fat into their lips and buttocks, and learning dance moves from the latest rap videos. It's not uncommon to hear white women tell each other, "you go girl." An english phrase that originated with black women.
The black woman is the forbidden fruit to the white man. White women know this and in seeking to satisfy their mates adopt some of their attributes.
The black economist believes all women regardless of race, age, personality, or other attributes possess an inherent beauty that the masculine can appreciate if the blinders of sexual physical attraction are removed.
Why did the Lacrosse team hire Black strippers and not White?
Dancing on the Ceiling in Libya
From the truth is stranger than fiction section, Lionel Richie gave a concert in Libya to mark the 20th anniversary of a bombing in that country by the American Military. Is he on the terrorist watch list now? Has Lionel Richie been "radicalized"? Was Billy Ocean unavailable?
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The Battle of Ideas

There have been many recent articles on the plight of black men. Of course if you look at american history at what point are black men not in some state of crisis?
There is the time of the Olmecs of course, but from 1500 on things pretty much went downhill.
While Dr. Kambon's remarks were sensationalized by the media the essence of them was ignored. Rather, the fact that ideas are needed is known to a large number of black people the world over. Bill Cosby certainly knows it and said as much. The black economist knows that human capital is the greatest commodity. So did the slave traders, so do the politicians, so do the managers of "sweatshops" the world over.
How can we save the black man?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Wu-Tang Manual
Friday, March 17, 2006
Minority $cholarships
Wisdom is better than silver and gold the proverb goes. Contrary to the popular supposition; it's what you know, not who you know that really matters. Ph.D holders as a group are the least likely demographic to be unemployed.
Knowledge is power. Not-so recent attacks on affirmative action in higher education in America have taken a change in policy by allowing all students to apply for funds previously designated for minority scholarships.
Conversely, in France we find there are plenty of degrees to go around but no jobs available to minorities. That is because no statistics concerning race are kept and thus despite race riots the french power structure can ignore the issue.
So you're saying america is turning into france? No, but there is a definite attempt to avoid the subject of racial discrimination and economic impact using the "content of character" card.
Knowledge is power. Not-so recent attacks on affirmative action in higher education in America have taken a change in policy by allowing all students to apply for funds previously designated for minority scholarships.
Conversely, in France we find there are plenty of degrees to go around but no jobs available to minorities. That is because no statistics concerning race are kept and thus despite race riots the french power structure can ignore the issue.
So you're saying america is turning into france? No, but there is a definite attempt to avoid the subject of racial discrimination and economic impact using the "content of character" card.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
A most evident truth...
"A most evident truth is that color prejudice is not natural to man but is the result of economic and social rivalry, the desire to hold certain groups available for exploitation."
Joel Augustus Rogers writing in "Nature Knows No Color-Line"
Joel Augustus Rogers writing in "Nature Knows No Color-Line"
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Reparations and the Good Life
A few years ago Thomas Sowell noted and Walter Williams echoed that if you compare current african-american income to that of black africa, "...we would owe them money." This was all in the context of a discussion concerning reparations that had gripped the headlines. On the surface they are correct, it's simple mathematics. On the other hand if you calculate what was lost the case tends once again in the favor of positive reparations.
The salient issue to the black economist is that African-Americans enjoy an exceedingly high quality of life compared to their brothers and sisters overseas. We are far more wealthy by most (if not all) comparative standards. We have access and leverage within the political system. We can own assets, assemble freely, organize at will for whatever purpose suits us, own spacious homes and luxury cars and enter into business. Even the poor among us do fairly well considering third world ghetto conditions.
The paradox is that we must do far better.
The salient issue to the black economist is that African-Americans enjoy an exceedingly high quality of life compared to their brothers and sisters overseas. We are far more wealthy by most (if not all) comparative standards. We have access and leverage within the political system. We can own assets, assemble freely, organize at will for whatever purpose suits us, own spacious homes and luxury cars and enter into business. Even the poor among us do fairly well considering third world ghetto conditions.
The paradox is that we must do far better.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Ignored to Death
In "A New Black Power" by Walter Mosley the longtime crime author observes the pitiful state of the criminal justice system in the US and advises that a new black voting bloc be constructed to bring democracy back to america. He notes that the issues concerning african americans have not been predominant with the Democrats for a long time, at least three decades. He doesn't directly say it in his article but his point is that africans and african americans are being ignored to death.
Contrast this with the recent passing of Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks and we see that doesn't have to be the case. No one ignored them.
Contrast this with the recent passing of Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks and we see that doesn't have to be the case. No one ignored them.
Economic Profiling
A recent article in the Charlotte Observer on "Linguistic Profiling" and another concerning Mittal Steel's attempt to take over the largest steel firm in Europe show that prices are not only variable but sometimes nonexistent depending on who's buying. China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) found this out when it attempted to purchase Unocal oil in the United States.
Why does the same money in differently colored hands purchase less or nothing at all?
Why does the same money in differently colored hands purchase less or nothing at all?
Monday, January 30, 2006
A SuperBowl of Terror?
At least thats' what WorldNet reports. The San Jose Mercury News writes of the NFL dismissing it's security firm of the past 29 years for cost reasons. No worries says the Detroit News, it will be the largest security operation ever undertaken.
The Art of War says that "You must attack where the enemy cannot defend and defend where the enemy cannot attack." The black economist doubts that there will be a superbowl terror attack because it will be so heavily defended.
The Art of War says that "You must attack where the enemy cannot defend and defend where the enemy cannot attack." The black economist doubts that there will be a superbowl terror attack because it will be so heavily defended.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Privacy in the New Millenium
The desire for and right to privacy is inherent in human nature. Thoughts are by their very nature private things and since rational thinking requires compartmentalization and classification they are not for everyone at everytime. More than thoughts but activities, interests, dislikes, associations and such should be kept private if one should wish.
In a digital world that is not the case. Information trades in kind on the internet and private networks. Pin numbers, pass words and code words unlock bill paying, purchases and informational sites. Satellite images are freely available on google and maps are plentiful.
The black economist publishes under a nom de plume not to conceal his identity but to set a very definite tone as to the nature of the work. That is to say that the black economist harbors no illusions as to the possiblity of his identity being secret or his personal habits and purchases.
On the other hand I did find the news that Apple computer downloads the libraries of itunes users disquieting.
In a digital world that is not the case. Information trades in kind on the internet and private networks. Pin numbers, pass words and code words unlock bill paying, purchases and informational sites. Satellite images are freely available on google and maps are plentiful.
The black economist publishes under a nom de plume not to conceal his identity but to set a very definite tone as to the nature of the work. That is to say that the black economist harbors no illusions as to the possiblity of his identity being secret or his personal habits and purchases.
On the other hand I did find the news that Apple computer downloads the libraries of itunes users disquieting.
Ever notice....
that major terrorist attacks tend to take place when the moon is a crescent? Is Al-Queda into astrology?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Envisioning US Economic Collapse
Catastrophism studies are a favorite pastime of the black economist, particularly during this time of "terror." The question of total economic collapse due to a terrorist attack is provocative to say the least. To accomplish this the terrorists would have to do one of three things, cause a shock to supply, demand or both. Disrupting the supply chain of an input critical to the economies' functioning (oil maybe?) would accomplish a supply shock. Infecting the country with a lethal, highly contagious organism would create a demand shock as people would avoid one another at all costs.
Thus, the original question melts away and we see that these shocks (economic collapse) take place frequently (Argentinian peso collapse, New Orleans hurrican, Russian political collpase, Toronto SARS, Hong Kong SARS) and that it is a question of how long they last and what happens within them that should concern us. In other words it is not a question of if the economy can collapse but when and what will you do to survive?
Thus, the original question melts away and we see that these shocks (economic collapse) take place frequently (Argentinian peso collapse, New Orleans hurrican, Russian political collpase, Toronto SARS, Hong Kong SARS) and that it is a question of how long they last and what happens within them that should concern us. In other words it is not a question of if the economy can collapse but when and what will you do to survive?
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Black Economics?
How can economics be black? Mainstream economists argue that overall economics is a science founded in mathematical theorems and quantifiable phenomena. While there is ample room to study race relations to brand the entire science black would be irrational. Economics is neither pink nor brown or any other color.
Yet there is an inescapable realization that economics is not a science rooted in cold hard facts but cold hard assumptions.
So, if the underlying assumptions are that people of color are miscreants and that trust is fundamental to markets it is no surprise that there is a derth of black and brown billionaires, executives, judges and governors.
Yet there is an inescapable realization that economics is not a science rooted in cold hard facts but cold hard assumptions.
So, if the underlying assumptions are that people of color are miscreants and that trust is fundamental to markets it is no surprise that there is a derth of black and brown billionaires, executives, judges and governors.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Internet Porn Arbitrage
"We need some money up in this house. We gotta get that paper flowing. The internet...the internet...we'll show you the nastiest thing you ever want to see if you just give us that card number and let us float $2.95 for three days."
Source: Late night phone conversation with a loan officer
Source: Late night phone conversation with a loan officer
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Failed Foreign Policy
Many commentators have speculated as to the failure of the current republican administration as it pertains to "ethics" or even song choice. The media has to a large extent been silent regarding failures of foreign policy. The war in Iraq notwithstanding.
Argentina and Brazil's abandoning of the IMF and prospering, the ascension of the Euro currency, and Russia, China and India's moves toward closer security integration demonstrate the extent to which America's influence has degraded abroad. The Central and South American states are glaring examples of an increasingly turning tide in "the Battle of Ideas." Evo Morales's (the new president of Bolivia) declaration that coco growing should be legalized and natural gas resources owned by the state in a socialist framework aptly demonstrates that the influence the US has in the region is deteriorating.
Is it by coincidence then that George Bush's foreign policy wears a black face?
Argentina and Brazil's abandoning of the IMF and prospering, the ascension of the Euro currency, and Russia, China and India's moves toward closer security integration demonstrate the extent to which America's influence has degraded abroad. The Central and South American states are glaring examples of an increasingly turning tide in "the Battle of Ideas." Evo Morales's (the new president of Bolivia) declaration that coco growing should be legalized and natural gas resources owned by the state in a socialist framework aptly demonstrates that the influence the US has in the region is deteriorating.
Is it by coincidence then that George Bush's foreign policy wears a black face?
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