Sunday, April 23, 2006

Fuzzy Math @ Duke

Many commentators ,such as Kathleen Parker in her article "Fact and Fiction Duke it Out," are making much of the fact that acording to FBI records 15.5 percent of rapes against white women are perpertrated by black men whereas "while less than 1 percent of black victims were raped by white males." Before providing these sensationalized, questionable figures Parker does say that, "though sample sizes are considered too small to draw any solid conclusions." She still goes on to report what must be unsolid numbers.
The black economist issue lies with the fact that much the same way black women were sexually exploited by whites for hundreds of years with no fear of repercussions, black men were most certainly often killed and maimed for false accusations made by white women. As a result , even in 2006, most black males are extremely cautious in their dealings with white women. No writer has dared tackle that in their "analysis." In fact judging how often we hear that DNA evidence is not present in most of these convictions its not hard to imagine many a black man sent up the river by a white woman or judicial system that needs a conviction but not justice.

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