Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Cristal Boycott

Rap music was truly only a music of black folks for a short while. It's commercialism led to content changes that degraded its ability to be a positive force in the black community. Most rappers are little more than slaves selling lyrics written by whites who have no interest in promoting black culture, unity, or any type of healing or positivity to the descendants of
If anything, most rappers are race traitors and deserve what they inevitably get, which is ripped off and pimped.
That's nothing new.
What is interesting is that black folks , for whatever reason, believe that money can shield them from prejudice and that certain companies care about their business.
Jay-Z's boycott of Cristal is a case in point. It's too late to advocate a boycott of a product when you have millions of recordings that reference the popular drink.
Rappers routinely endorse products produced by groups of men and women who would call the police or kill them outright if they ever attempted to associate with them or saw them where they live.
Why do black folks demand to give their money to people who hate them?

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