Friday, September 30, 2005

Black Income

This news release from the us census gives facts and figures for what we already know. 24% (or roughly 1 out of 4) of african-americans live in poverty which is about $20,000 a year for a family of four. The median income (meaning half make more, half make less) for african-americans is roughly $30,000. By these figures half of all african-americans don't have enough income to make ends meet in an increasingly inflationary price enviroment. Food, gas, and healthcare have all risen at staggering rates over the past ten years.
Why is this? The Economic Discrimination of the past certainly plays a role. There was no forty acres and a mule or New Deal for Black America after emancipation. Cynical as it may seem, what's past is past (though illustrative): what is needed are new economic survival strategies.

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