Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The effort to ban the use of the N word by Jesse Jackson has ,like the cristal boycott, merit. Paul Mooney dropping the word is a bombshell given his proclivity for it and his efforts to publicize it.
As long as there remains potential for someone to make money off of it the word will be in use in mainstream media.

Toxic World

This article on surviving your toxic enviroment is pretty good. While it is entitled how the world shaves years off your life it could just as easily been named, "How the world adds years to your life."
Be sure to check out the part on PM-10 which has got to be the most important health concern you have never heard of.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Ultimate Resource

The ultimate resource is people.
Human ingenuity and creativity has almost limitless potential to enhance human life.
One idea can change the world.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ghost of the Soup Nazi / Race Riot @ the Laugh Factory

Michael Richards is a haunted man. Like so many comedians his life contains little humour. Like so many human beings his thoughts tend toward the mundane, the vulgar.
His Kramer was a physical comedian. George, Elaine and Jerry handled the cerebral stuff. He was more of an athlete. Taking falls and fouls, yet scoring points.
Forced to make his money as a slave to the blank faced masses who stare at his image. More than once he has probaly said to himself, "At least the show is funny."
A jester, a clown, a funnyman beholden to funnymen.
Seinfeld was long ago; as well as the fame and the other riches that came with it.
So there he was, a washed up comic, begging for laughs when someone pointed out that the emperor wears no clothes.
Whoever said that was going to get it. The roulette ball came up black and Michael Richards lost the game.
He said he might need to do some personal stuff but let's face it.... he wasn't high on anything but rage and maybe a bong hit or two of self-loathing. Teaching an old dog new tricks is a long shot, there won't be any rehab for him.
The Soup Nazi is in all of us, fighting and tearing to get out. It can't be the medias fault. All that rage and violence and hatred and bigotry in American life is ...what it is. It's in us. There long before television or radio (or ipods and camera phones).
History shows but doesn't teach. If the enviroment can't change neither can the genes.
The words can make you angry but the hecklers left without further incident. Good for them.
Starting a race riot at the Laugh Factory would have been no laughing matter, well maybe but only in the strictest of terms.
What it shows is that Race is "one hell of a drug" and we need to stop our addiction.

Kramer the Nazi

By now you have seen the video of Michael Richards anti black tirade.
My first impression is at least Mel Gibson was drunk.
I watched his interview on Letterman and my impression of that is he doesn't care and his apology (if you can call it that) was very insincere. Like the Rodney King tape he said we didn't see it all.
Seinfeld said it sickened him. His defense of Richards is what is sickening. He said he loves him and he is his friend and that that's the way he does his routine.
Worse yet you can tell Richards has been this way for a loooong time, as the words slipped so freely from his tongue.
You have to applaud the hecklers for they showed constraint in a very difficult situation.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A few words on Friedman

Milton Friedman was (like Abraham, Marx, Einstein & Freud) a Jew with some big ideas. At first blush a supporter of Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan may not seem like the type to inspire Black Liberty but he most certainly was.
What I most remember is a passage in the Free Market Reader where he states that , "a furniture maker cares not whether he gets his wood from a negro or a Jew, so long as he gets wood" or something to that effect.
For the black economist it was a turning point in his understanding of social studies.
Later, when presented with a copy of ,"The road to Serfdom" (written by Hayek, not Friedman)the idea crystallized that whilst we can do little regarding color prejudice it matters not overmuch if we are paid and able to purchase what we please.
In Friedman's view, "better a negro woman pays a few dollars more for rent than not being able to rent at all."
It may on the surface seem callous (as admittedly much economic thinking is) but it is best overall.
The black economists view is that African-Americans need not paternalism but markets. Should anyone think that liberals cannot be racist I encourage them to tell one blacks don't need assistance but access and observe what happens.
A large part of white racism is a deep rooted insecurity.
In Friedman you had the best type of man. One who did not need to put down others to boost himself up. A white man who was not afraid of "the other" because he was confident in himself and who he was.
In fairness, I should mention that other writings of his did refer to Africans as savages, or uncivilized or somesuch.
The point though is like the Jew or Asian prejudice should not be allowed to hold back our material progress and like the Jew or the Asian LIBERTY will not come until we recognize that the freedom to think and learn is what we have and the key to our continuing success.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Audacity of Obama

I haven't read his book, spoken to him, or seen him on television too many times but I continue to read of Barack Obama and the presidency.
The problem is that he did not have a groundswell of support that brought him into office. It was a scandal plagued republican challenger that gave him his boost. Now after 2 years in a position he would not have won had he been challenged by anyone who could pass a smell test he talks of the presidency.
If he engineered the defeat of his opponent he can talk legitimately, if it was by circumstance he (and anyone who believes his presidential ambitions) is being taken for a ride.
A friend mentioned that he thinks he is merely positioning himself for a run in 2016.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Black Paranoia in Britain

Eugenics is rearing its ugly head in Britain.
Apparently in Britain and Wales the police have established a database that contains the DNA of 60-75% their black male citizens.
This has led to concerns of a surveillance state "in which some ethnic groups are monitored more closely than others."