Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kramer the Nazi

By now you have seen the video of Michael Richards anti black tirade.
My first impression is at least Mel Gibson was drunk.
I watched his interview on Letterman and my impression of that is he doesn't care and his apology (if you can call it that) was very insincere. Like the Rodney King tape he said we didn't see it all.
Seinfeld said it sickened him. His defense of Richards is what is sickening. He said he loves him and he is his friend and that that's the way he does his routine.
Worse yet you can tell Richards has been this way for a loooong time, as the words slipped so freely from his tongue.
You have to applaud the hecklers for they showed constraint in a very difficult situation.


Anonymous said...

Michael Richards isn't Jewish.

theBlackEconomist said...

Neither was George Allen.