The beauty of the black woman has been admired, lusted after, and desired by white men throughout known history. The photo at the left shows contempraries of the infamous hottentot venus. Paradoxically the popular media image (in America and elsewhere like Brazil) is of the buxom, blue-eyed, blonde. This the tell-I-vision directs is the model to pursue. Consequently, Korean women dye their hair and engage in painful surgeries to meet this standard and Fela Kuti sings of the yellow fever that grips the African woman as she tries to turn from black to white.
Stunning is that at the same time you have white women tanning, injecting fat into their lips and buttocks, and learning dance moves from the latest rap videos. It's not uncommon to hear white women tell each other, "you go girl." An english phrase that originated with black women.
The black woman is the forbidden fruit to the white man. White women know this and in seeking to satisfy their mates adopt some of their attributes.
The black economist believes all women regardless of race, age, personality, or other attributes possess an inherent beauty that the masculine can appreciate if the blinders of sexual physical attraction are removed.
Why did the Lacrosse team hire Black strippers and not White?
Sexualized behavior, in the european mentality,is connected to the european mindset of not recognizing the humanity of others. The less like oneself another may be, the more the reason to ignore the others' humanity.
"Why did the Lacrosse team hire Black strippers and not White? "
Probably because they were cheaper.
"at the same time you have white women tanning, injecting fat into their lips and buttocks,"
Sorry, but having a tan has nothing to do with "wanting to be black". Blacks aren't the only ones who can have a darker shade of skin, or have you never heard of the Berber's?
You seem to have a rather racist obsession with "white women trying to be black", yet fail to acknowledge the fact that black women constantly wear weaves and straighten their hair to appear more Caucasian. People do whatever is popular, and they were fantasizing over big butts long before "Sarah Baartman".
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