Monday, July 24, 2006

to understand and protect our home planet

The black economist cannot claim to have known that part of NASA's official mission statement was, "to understand and protect our home planet."
That mission statement was changed for political reasons because data from NASA satellites apparently fall on the wrong side of the argument concerning whether western civilization affects the earth (the home planet in question) adversely.
The Black economist can envision a scenario wherein the question was raised as to whether they had to eliminate "understand" being that they are scientists and all.
Jokes aside, this reshuffling of euphemisms is a side argument in a much larger debate concerning not particularly natural resources but mostly markets and their shape. If there is strong evidence that present levels of carbon emissions are leading to the extinction of the human race then a reasonable mind could conclude they must be stopped.
Another ,equally reasonable mind, could conclude that humanity has always adapted to an uncertain world, that speculation is imprecise and that no change is needed.
Both minds, especially if they were politicians, would agree that Americans would vote them out of office if they dared even suggest they reduce consumption levels. That's why our president recommended Americans shop rather than sacrifice after 9/11.
So prices rise. Wars are fought. The present lurches toward the inevitable shock.

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