Saturday, November 05, 2016

A personal Insult from Obama

Recently President Obama told African-Americans that if they did not come out in droves and vote for Hilary Clinton he would take it as a personal insult.

As it happens president Obama has done many things that African-Americans should consider personally insulting. Here is a small list:

  1. Speeches instead of action. Watching the president sing whatever it was from a pulpit in SC after the church murders was personally insulting. Nothing came of it.
  2. Referring to himself as a "real African- American" during the census was very insulting. If he is a real African-American what does that make the rest of us? Fake? 
  3. Consistently supporting Jay Z and his use of words like Bitch and Nigger. Far from showcasing reality Jay Z (and many others like him) have profited enormously from the systemic racism encountered by the above mentioned fake African-Americans. 
  4. Using what political capital he had to support Henry Louis Gates. Almost like a ivy league inspired scheme his actions and words no doubt helped to fuel the spate of police violence in this country the past eight years.
Obama failed black america. He has insulted black america and now as he retreats to a life of million dollar speeches he goes back to the well only to find the bottom is dry.


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