Thursday, August 14, 2014

Obama , Riots & Ebola

After speaking out quickly & loudly concerning Henry Louis Gates, Trayvon Martin & Donald Sterling so far the president has been quiet on the situation in St. Louis. A Google search returns no hits with "Obama Michael Brown." The silence is deafening and might indicate there are details yet to emerge (written Monday August 11th).

The photo above on the other hand speaks loud & clear. The guy in the middle doesn't look very isolated to me.

The Obama administration goes beyond failure into the territory of impediment. What use is a black president if racism & discrimination go up? What use is a black president if his race cannot prevent India & China from the embrace of our competitors?

The change Obama promised America has not come to fruition. He cannot govern, he cannot advocate. He is a impotent lame duck US president with no credibility. Congress refuses to work with him or his attorney general (by their own admission). US police forces across the country are in open revolt against him. If you are black in America things are likely worse than when he came to office.

Barack Obama had a golden opportunity to change race relations in this country for the better. It is my opinion that instead of saying, "...the police acted stupidly" in regards to Henry Louis Gates, if he had said, " president I support the police officer" we would not have the situation we do today.

The mind boggles at the harm his contentious & provocative statements ,"..if I had a son..", have done to race relations and policing. One wonders if he is under the influence of some drug.

Suggesting a conversation on race be had over drinks indicates a lack of awareness regarding how serious a topic it is.

Its quite possible Michael Brown paid with his life for white frustration with president Hussein Obama.

With 1.73% of the country's wealth but 13% of the population black America cannot produce a man with enough resources to withstand criticism and act if necessary. We are seeing that play out with the Obama administration. All of his cards are held by the white men who own the major corporations, the wealth & key positions in this society.

I pray that I am wrong but based on how little relative affluence & influence blacks have how could Obama be anything in but in the pocket of  someone else.

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