Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama, Syria and MLK

Occasionally, reported events take on a surreal quality. Witness yesterdays juxtaposition of president Obama delivering a speech to commemorate the "March on Washington" while simultaneously warning of imminent military action against Syria.

The Obama as embodiment of , "The Dream" narrative is a deeply disturbing and disappointing meme on a number of levels. It's reminiscent of the irony in Bill Clinton speaking about the violence at Columbine while simultaneously ordering airstrikes in Iraq.

MLK is one the most recognized advocates of nonviolent change in the world. His pacifism, moral clarity and adherence to other Christian Principles such forgiveness and mercy provide stark contrast to military action. His opposition to the Vietnam war lead to a decrease in influence and allegations of communism. In short, MLK would not support drones and cruise missiles.

The president attending the ceremony was and is a tacit acknowledgment of the influence of MLK on the direction of America. The president though, should have chosen not to address the crowd if the very next story was to be his support for actions antithetical to the individual (and movement) being honored.



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