Friday, October 11, 2013

Obama calls kettle black

President Obama recently commented about the Washington Redskins name. The president basically said the name is offensive and should be changed. Meanwhile, another offensive word, used far more frequently (and even marketed to youth) by his friends in the music industry, goes unmentioned.

This is yet another example of the so-called first black president squandering the historical legacy & moral imperative of African-Americans.

Perhaps it's because the owner of the Skins is an easy target whereas the music industry is not?

Maybe he should talk it over with jigga?

Friday, August 30, 2013

the roots of discrimination are economic

“The struggle began with the problem of buses and lunch counters and theaters — in a word, with the problem of dignity,” Bayard Rustin, who organized the effort that brought 250,000 people to the Mall, wrote in the march’s aftermath. “But since the roots of discrimination are economic, and since, in the long run, the Negro, like everyone else, cannot achieve even dignity without a job — economic issues were bound to emerge, with far-reaching implications.”

Great piece. I guess a rising tide lifts all boats. Of course the only way for blacks to reach economic parity with whites is to actually earn more than whites.

Obama, Syria and MLK

Occasionally, reported events take on a surreal quality. Witness yesterdays juxtaposition of president Obama delivering a speech to commemorate the "March on Washington" while simultaneously warning of imminent military action against Syria.

The Obama as embodiment of , "The Dream" narrative is a deeply disturbing and disappointing meme on a number of levels. It's reminiscent of the irony in Bill Clinton speaking about the violence at Columbine while simultaneously ordering airstrikes in Iraq.

MLK is one the most recognized advocates of nonviolent change in the world. His pacifism, moral clarity and adherence to other Christian Principles such forgiveness and mercy provide stark contrast to military action. His opposition to the Vietnam war lead to a decrease in influence and allegations of communism. In short, MLK would not support drones and cruise missiles.

The president attending the ceremony was and is a tacit acknowledgment of the influence of MLK on the direction of America. The president though, should have chosen not to address the crowd if the very next story was to be his support for actions antithetical to the individual (and movement) being honored.



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Envisioning Economic Collapse - Oil Crisis

After going through an oil crisis (Katrina) it seems that while the focus is on rising oil prices a more pertinent concern for the average American consumer would be availability. 

With consumer grade gas the issue wasn't the price spike so much as finding a gas station that had it.

Gas was not available at any price.

Monday, August 19, 2013

They Treat Us So Well!

@KingJames, Lebron James recently instagrammed his police escort to a Jay-Z concert.

"They treat us so well! Needed it because traffic was nuts!!" he tweeted.

It would seem he made the right decision in going to south beach.

The incident is notable because I have rarely seen positive, not to mention accommodating, stories of black men and police.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Obama & Trayvon Martin

Obama's statement, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon", undoubtedly did more to torpedo the case than any mismanagement in the state of Florida. He was wrong to interject himself into the debate. Once he did it became less about Trayvon and more of a referendum on him and his administration. Furthermore, in this context but perhaps applicable also to Edward Snowden, upon conviction a defendant could reasonably claim to have not gotten a fair trial because the president or some high ranking official implicitly or explicitly confirmed guilt.

One wonders if that was Obama's intent all along.

This is not the first time Obama has bungled events with strong racial currents. I still wince when I think of the "beer summit", wherein what the president called a, "teachable moment" about race involved alcohol. The acquittal of George Zimmerman is just another example of the high cost of Obama to black America.

Not to say that presidents Bush or Clinton were great unifiers of Americans but they did not engender racial animosity in the most powerful groups. No question politicians are powerful in office but to a large extent they fall under the sway of leaders of industry and old, inherited money. The Obama presidency gives the impression that blacks have acquired influence. The reality is that black people, African - Americans, control very little in terms of the means of production. Whether this is by design or a failure to organize for mutual benefit I cannot say.

What I can say is that the unilateral ceding and closing of the conversation on race to president Obama and his singular accomplishment is a historical tragedy. This article in the New York times main thesis of a decline (more of a dissipation really) in black political strength due to democrats being branded the, "black party" is cogent and particularly relevant.

Kobe Bryant, Donavan McNabb, Drake, Morgan Freeman, Gabrielle Union, President Obama, Jay - Z are all wealthy and famous. Rick Ross raps of statues being built in his honor and black males with pants hanging down and gold chains are marketed constantly. These entertainers, politicians and athletes give the impression of black strength where there is none.

Outcomes like the Zimmerman trial are teachable moments reminding us that perception and reality can be two different things. Perhaps if Zimmerman had shot some famous black there might have been a different outcome (but I doubt it). As it is the lessons from this case run much deeper.

I've read that the greatest resource is people. I believe it. African- American human resources have been pretty much left to languish since slavery. There is no active effort by so called educated blacks to pool resources, purchase companies and develop technology. It's just a dwindling amount of Kanye West's "new slaves".

I've written hundreds of times now that for black people to have more than a nostalgic effect on public policy we have to actively participate in the economy. To do that we have to value our own lives. I doubt we will hear too many songs by people of other races encouraging them to shoot one another, disrespect women, and get a street education.

You could argue as Manly Hall does that races are known by their great men but it's not unreasonable to expect the African - American to adapt (as some admittedly do) industriousness.

So yes, I am saying that if Trayvon (the majority of black men actually) was raised in a home with both parents who focused on his education the outcome would have been different. That's the real tragedy.

Friday, June 07, 2013

American Fascism and Obama

I was excited and happy as anyone else with the idea of a black president of the United States.There was no need to convince me that a woman or black man could fulfill the obligations of the role.

I was and remained concerned about backlash. I have to listen to a lot of Obama jokes and hear a lot of hate thrown that mans way. No one blamed me when the president was white.

I expected a hardline on certain issues and a willingness to use the bully pulpit to sway issues on the side of truth, righteousness and shared ideals. Naïve? Perhaps but what's the use of a black president then? Why do I have to hear racist jokes and deal with white guys resentful of his success?

So that he can betray or at least not present the legitimate historical aspirations of hundreds of millions of Americans?

DNA swabs from arrest only.
Data mining of phone records (including real time location tracking).
Data mining of technology companies.
2008 bailouts.
IRS targeting of Tea Party.
Telling the Boston police they acted stupidly and then suggesting the nation have a conversation about race over drinks (sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction).
Extension of FBI directors tenure (yes he is retiring. I think in light of the history behind the law and recent revelations of domestic surveillance the exception should not have been sought)

COINTELPRO clearly means nothing to the man with a bust of MLK in his office. That's how he was able to lobby for an extension for the FBI director. That's how a massive domestics surveillance program can take place on his watch (see the recent revelations concerning PRISM and the NSA retrieval of phone data). Most worrisome by not allowing failed businesses to fail and subjecting them to onerous regulation (state control) along with a dash of socialism he has essentially created a fascist state in America. Some selected quotes below

"A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Fascist ideology consistently invoked the primacy of the state.

Fascism supports a state-controlled economy that accepts a mix of private and public ownership over the means of production. Economic planning is applied to both the public and private sector in a fascist economy, the prosperity of private enterprise depended on its acceptance of synchronizing itself with the fascist state's economic goals. It supports the profit motive. However it emphasizes that industries must uphold the national interest as superior to private profit."

Yes, the Congress and judicial branch certainly helped. It's taken ,and this is a SWAG, millions of Americans working day and night to build the infrastructure, pass the laws and operate the machinery of the state. Expecting Obama to single handily resist this juggernaut is unrealistic.

Yet the president not only has the bully pulpit but can speak truth to power. More citizens donated to his campaign than ever before. His public support was remarkable. Yet his only major domestic policy achievement is exactly what would have happened had Hilary Clinton won the presidency, a healthcare bill.

The distinction between candidate Obama and president Obama is sharp.

In summation my expectation was of an activist president who consistently went in the direction of and made the choices MLK would have made or Gandhi or Frederick Douglass or any other champion of liberty.

Moral Hazard

The ghosts of the 2008 economic collapse are still with us. The bailouts signaled that the rich will not be allowed to fail and the poor will not be allowed to succeed. 
Today's politics reflect this. The large domestic spying operation that has once again come to light will doubtless be used to continue to suppress political dissent.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The poverty trap / understanding wealth

Economist Joseph Stiglitz paints a dismal view of the idea of American meritocracy. As does this article discussing the impact of prison and poverty. It is true that communities can be trapped in cycles of economic devastation but it is equally true that through organization and sacrifice (read= saving & investing) that those cycles can be broken.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Djorner Unchained

Random Thoughts on the unpleasantness in LA

  • One of the most interesting observations the serial killer ex cop makes in his manifesto is that officers who have not been polygraphed should not be trusted.
  • He apparently never considered civil disobedience as a valid alternative to continue the discussion. He could have started a blog, wrote pamphlets & given interviews to advance his cause. Much of the information contained in his writings is not available to the ordinary citizen, someone would have found it news worthy.
  • I have seen no reporting mentioning his assertion that he does not believe in God.
  • Not much of a conspiracy theory to think they have no intention of taking him alive.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Crowd Sourcing

With the aggregate wealth in the African American community it's a wonder the capital for movies, music , books and dare I say business is not crowd sourced.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Black Woman Earnings

It may seem paradoxical to write just a few posts ago that African American women enjoy a higher a higher standard of living than other women of color throughout the world and then point out their wage gap but actually it illustrates just how much work needs to be done to achieve a reasonably sound foundation for black families. This report highlights the median earnings of black women in 20 states. California does the best but that's presumably because the data are skewed by women in the entertainment industry. As you might suspect, most single black women with children are raising them in poverty.
Lenin or Marx (I forget whom) pointed out that the foundation of the state is the family. America as a whole suffers when black familial relationships are not maintained and nurtured. The reasons are complex & solutions start with individuals but it would be nice to hear & see more positive messages from the hip hop crew and others that family is the true source of wealth.

The black athlete unchained

In the aggregate sports in America is not quite so big a business but it carries an outsize influence because of its media impact. For black Americans sports (as well as entertainment) carries a huge influence because it simplifies the road to riches. Catch the ball, sing a song, act as directed and riches materialize. By and large, black youth tend not to be encouraged to become captains of industry or technological innovators despite their chances being far better to accrue riches and positively impact their world.

The singular achievements of athletes insulates them and whatever monies they earn from the larger community of their families , friends & peers. Suddenly, the support system that produced them is viewed negatively because it expects (rightfully) a return on its investment in them. In economic terms the human capital of the blacks is drained away.

No one seems to really believe that "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" because so little is invested in developing the African American mind. Those scientists & businessmen who do achieve success are viewed as aberrations when in fact they should be considered the norm.

I suspect that of the  roughly 1.6% of blacks earning over 200k per year a disproportionate amount is from sports and media activities.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Africanus Ceteris Peribus

The study of economics benefits all people including African Americans. One of the most potent insights thinking critically about economics provides is just how well off Americans of African descent are in this country.
I often hear black people complain about being poor yet they clearly have not considered
  1. How relative concepts like poor & rich are
  2. The living standards of blacks around the globe
For example, worldwide most black women do not have a drivers license, much less a car. In America it is not uncommon to see black woman shopping at malls, driving and enjoying what would be termed a luxury lifestyle in much of the and to much of the worlds population (regardless of sex or race). The authors of this report endured much criticism in the media but their fundamental premise carries weight.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Wealth & Income stats for 2011

The Wall Street Journal has a great info graphic on wealth distribution. To see it broken down by race click here for Black Demographics page on black income.