Monday, September 07, 2009

Obama and white voters

In my most recent blog I argued that Obamas' remarks concerning the arrest of Henry Loius Gates could be a fatal error. They have not shown themselves to be as of yet. They are still of concern however. This article in the LA Times concerning Obama and white voters offers that there has been some noticeable affect , "Pew first identified a slippage in white support immediately after a news conference in July, when Obama surprised many by saying that a white police officer had acted "stupidly" in arresting a black Harvard professor."

A zealous Obama supporter at my barber shop grew agitated when I said the error was real.

As I see it the Obama advisers (wise men as Gov. Mark Sanford put it) are in danger of falling prey to group think and arrogance. Something the governor also warns against in the video.

American racial concerns, myths , stereotypes, history and anxiety need to be considered as Obama governs.

Obama should studiously avoid giving his opposition locker room material.

I doubt any rumour concerning his religion, nationality or what have you may take hold. He could still be felled by a foolish comment that can be interpreted by white Americans that he is not representative of their interests.

No President can do that for everyone but as a black man named Hussein, Obama is particularly vulnerable to credibility issues and should realize it. In fact given American history he should handle these issues with extreme care.

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