Monday, July 13, 2009

Racist Robots

So I heard about the racist robots in Transformers 2. I had to go see it then even though I liked the first one and had planned to see it anyway.
Bring them on - these programmed automatons that were more race specific than the humanistic oriented machine villains in the matrix.
Sadly , as so often happens, they were just hype.
No article seemed to mention that the villain robot the Fallen (who curiously hated all human beings [for which thankfully there is no stereotype]) was voiced by an African-American.
Nor did the recurring theme of Resurrection which is prevalent through both films warrant popular attention.
This after even promo materials highlighted the battle royal amongst ancient Egyptian ruins.
On top of that they take the carcass of Optimus Prime to Egypt for Resurrection.
But no, the least common denominator comedy of marginal characters is what was widely reported.
But were the robots racist?
Did the blood boil?
Was I kicked around again by the "big media elite" as an African-American?
No , it's a great summer film and maybe the point of highlighing innocent, naive Skids and Mudflap is to keep the conversation accessible for the masses.

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