Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Wu-Tang Manual

The Rza has written a pretty good book. It is raw and razor sharp like the music of the Wu-Tang. 36 chambers long it explores the mysticism, the reality, and the inspiration behind one of hip-hops most prolific clans.
It is not an actual manual however.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Minority $cholarships

Wisdom is better than silver and gold the proverb goes. Contrary to the popular supposition; it's what you know, not who you know that really matters. Ph.D holders as a group are the least likely demographic to be unemployed.
Knowledge is power. Not-so recent attacks on affirmative action in higher education in America have taken a change in policy by allowing all students to apply for funds previously designated for minority scholarships.
Conversely, in France we find there are plenty of degrees to go around but no jobs available to minorities. That is because no statistics concerning race are kept and thus despite race riots the french power structure can ignore the issue.
So you're saying america is turning into france? No, but there is a definite attempt to avoid the subject of racial discrimination and economic impact using the "content of character" card.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A most evident truth...

"A most evident truth is that color prejudice is not natural to man but is the result of economic and social rivalry, the desire to hold certain groups available for exploitation."
Joel Augustus Rogers writing in "Nature Knows No Color-Line"