Tuesday, November 08, 2005


There have been some literate, well reasoned, articulate polemics against voting produced. As slippery as the idea may be to grasp it makes very little difference who is in office. After eight years of bombings during the Clinton administration is there any doubt that Gore would have invaded Iraq with Lieberman playing the role of Cheney?
Well, I suppose there is doubt because that's not what happened. Still you have to wonder.
One argument I have heard is that Democrats fund more social programs while Republicans cut them. Maybe. Of the 2.1 trillion dollars spent on the federal budget a marginal amount is devoted to social programs (social security is an actual security cost for the US). In addition, if you cut or increase the budget of a program that it is not fulfilling its commonly understood purpose what are you really cutting or funding?
Still the black economist votes because he can and he should to honor his ancestors and the other americans that made sacrifices so that he can. Dismal invectives and voter conspiracy thoughts aside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black economist I believe that voting has become like church - people do it whether they actually believe it or not. I think your ancestors will be better served when you and others in your race start to collectively become a more productive and self sufficient member of society like during the times prior to integration. After that takes place the black vote will become more meaningful and your ancestor truly honored.